Mos Eisley Radio

MER Episode 11 Pre-Poll: What’s Your Faction?

With the final two classes acknowledged by Bioware, we’re curious to know…which allegiance will you vow to defend once the game launches? Vote in the poll and leave us any comments you’d like! We’ll be discussing the results in episode 11, which should be out early next week.

Mos Eisley Radio

MER Episode 10: Orbital Bombardment!


Wow, the Imperial Agent!! We knew the community was buzzing about the next class for the Sith Empire, but we certainly weren’t expecting an announcement this soon. The two of us cover the ins and outs of the new class, as well as Bioware’s approach to preventing gold farmers and botters from ruining our game experience before the game is even out! We also received some great listener questions about classes and how the Austin team is going to pull off all this story business!

Again, huge shoutout to the officers over at! They put on a fantastic LAN last weekend.

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News from the Galactic Republic
Imperial Agent announced as the third Sith Empire class
-Picked up first by Now Gamer, then Darth Hater, then the official forum post by Sean Dahlberg
-Added to the Holonet
Inspiration for story / combat
-Darth Hater invited to LucasArts for a demo

Writing the Jedi Knight

No native support for Mac

Stories from the Outer Rim
Gold Sellers, Power Levelers Beware….Bioware knows you’re there!!

Listener Questions
How am I supposed to pick a class!!

What do you think will the last two character classes be for ToR? More force users? Droid engineer?

I’ve been having trouble decided who I want to play as in TOR,Jedi or Bounty Hunter, bounty hunter is cooler but I hate being a bad guy so I was wondering if I could be a bounty hunter but make good choices in the cutscenes.
-Knight of the Light

We’ve heard it time and time again, Bioware is taking the story very serious in this MMO. Each character class is supposed to have it’s own quests with zero repetition when you roll another. This sounds really amazing on paper. But can they actually pull this thing off? Did they set the a bar a bit too high for themself?

Mos Eisley Radio

MER Episode 09: Betting on Red 5


Bioware finally added the Jedi to the Holonet! Zach and I break down what to expect from combat and story for one of SWTOR’s most anticipated classes. We also touch on the announcement leak, Bioware’s design direction, and answer a great pile of listener questions. Give it a listen and send us your feedback!

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News from the Galactic Republic
-Jedi Knight added to the Holonet
Quotes in the episode from GameSpot article

Stories from the Outer Rim
-Jedi Knight leaked early (Thanks to Axe Faktor for the heads up)

Design thoughts – Sparked by the tapered lightsaber discussion on our forums

Poll of the week discussion
What unconfirmed planet do you want to see the most in TOR?
-Tatooine 29%
-Other 21%
-Dantooine 14%
-Mon Calimari 14%
-Telos 10%
-Kashyyyk 10%
-Bothawui 2%
-Other planets from the comments: Obroa-Skai, Ilum, Corellia, Dagobah

Listener Questions
Hey guys awesome show!! Just wanted to know how (if you were one of the developers) you would personally distinguish the jedi class from the sith class. I mean obviously the sith uses abilities exclusive to the dark side of the force and jedi from the light, and the sith is a melee /tank but what would you do to make the jedi seem and feel like a different class gameplay-wise.
-Jedi Master Brishia

Hey Mos Eisley crew i was wondering in star wars do they have eny holidays for example christmas?
-Darth Sciros
Star Wars Holidays

@moseisleyradio I’m of the mind that this is a major blow to the argument for 4 Force-using classes. Can you talk about that this ep?

@moseisleyradio Great episode. In regards to the Hunter class, Slave Trader? That class brings up certain moral issues, but could work.

@moseisleyradio What do you think about classes like Jedi and Sith being announced so late instead of being first?

Mos Eisley Radio

MER Episode 09 Pre-Poll: What unconfirmed planet do you want in SWTOR?

So with the recent announcement of Balmorra this now gives us at least six confirmed planets in TOR. The other planets include Tython, Korriban, Coruscant, Hutta, and Ord Mantell. I have to figure we will see a few more planets announced in the coming months in addition to these. So this raises the questions, what one planet do you want to see in the game more than any other unmentioned so far? Tell us why you want that planet in the game too.

Mos Eisley Radio

MER Episode 08: The Black Sun Syndicate


Bioware dropped the making of Coruscant and the new planet, Balmorra, on us, and Zach points out a mention of the Black Sun Syndicate! Christian Sorrell joins us from to discuss the news and the possibility of creature handlers in SWTOR, as well as some listener questions about Bioware points, mounts, and more. We top off the episode with a special segment about the Star Wars franchise. Check it out and let us know what you think!

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News from the Galactic Republic
-The Making of Coruscant
-Balmorra revealed as the newest playable planet location in SWTOR

Stories from the Outer Rim
-Is Creature Handler going to be revealed as a playable class?

Listener Questions
I Think the points system that you guys was talking about in episode 7 could be something like World Of Warcraft’s DKP system. Where you gain points for raiding and then when you gain enough of these points you could use these points to gain epics from drops in the raid. Join the dark side we have cookies.
-Darth Sciros

We all know that swtor will have many planets to explore my question is will swtor have mounts and if so maybe mounted combat? Also do you believe that the planets will be massive(like in swg) or about the size of a couple of zones in WoW.
-Mesirav Darkcrest

In the official site “Timeline” they talk a lot about geonosis being this arena planet. How likely do you think it is that we’ll see the relatively barren Geonosis in the game, and what are your thoughts on it. I saw it as being a PvP heavy Arena planet.
-Axe Faktor

One of the things I’ve been most concerned about is this: What incentive will there be for characters to group together for quests? I mean socialization and companionship are one thing, but what about furthering your story line, and what do you do when all your friends and guildmates are busy on another planet and don’t have time to come do your “Flashpoint?” And what if the people who DO have time turn out to be jerks? I posted this a while ago, on the TOR forums, and I’m interested to hear what you think. Thanks!
-Billy Uno