Mos Eisley Radio

MER Episode 27: Brooks’ Complete Lack of Understanding

MER Episode 27 - Brooks' Complete Lack of Understanding

We asked for details about game mechanics, and Bioware answered with almost an entire month dedicated to The Old Republic’s crafting system, which will henceforth be referred to as “Crew Skills”. While on the surface the solution may seem simple, this is actually a very deep system that took us, well, mostly Brooks, a fair amount of time to wrap our heads around. Once we had things figured out, though, we ventured into some great discussions about what it means to be a crafter and the impacts that this system will have on how players interact not only with the crafting system, but with their companions as well. Also, since the both of us have just recently starting playing World of Warcraft again, we talk a bit about this week’s launch of Cataclysm and what Bioware stands to learn from the work Blizzard has done.

We want to offer a big thanks to Wraithgate428, Honey Dijon, mminer, and Steiny for taking the time to leave us reviews on iTunes.

Music for this show was provided by General Fuzz. Check out more of his work at

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News from the Galactic Republic
11/12 Crew Skills Announced as SWTOR’s Crafting System
– Crew Skills on
– Crew Skills Developer Blog from Systems Designer Patrick Malott
– Interview with Daniel Erickson at Darth Hater
– Collection of Damion Schubert’s forum posts at Darth Hater: Nov. 15 and Nov. 22

Mos Eisley Radio

MER Episode 26: Date Night

MER Episode 26 - Date Night

We’re back! The past month has given us some much-needed time to get caught up on our lives outside of the podcast, as well as make some decisions about the future direction of Mos Eisley Radio. Helping implement the first round of changes are very special guests, Kathy and Carla of Corellian Run Radio. The four of us had an absolute blast discussing the past month’s updates, including the most recent announcements regarding Warzones and Bioware’s decision to revisit the Jedi Wizard name. We also take a look into what all the fuss was about EA Louse, and the effects the situation has had on the community at large. Listen in and join us on the forums to discuss your thoughts!

We want to offer a big thanks to poopgrinder for taking the time to leave us reviews on iTunes.

Music for this show was provided by General Fuzz. Check out more of his work at

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Discuss this episode on the FORUMS

News from the Galactic Republic
10/29 – Imperial Agent Class Update
– Update at
– Imperial Agent trailer

10/08 – Ilum announced as 16th playable planet
– Ilum on the HoloNet

10/15 – The Exar Kun War Timeline Video
– Timeline update with full text at

11/05 – Warzone Update and Video
– Official update at
– EA Winter Showcase details at Darth Hater
– Dissection of the video at Darth Hater

11/05 – Vote to rename the Jedi Wizard
– Official update at
– Voting is open until December 2nd!

Community Discussion
The response to the EA Louse debacle
– Matt “Fo Diggity”‘s response at
– Larry Everett’s response at

Mos Eisley Radio

MER Episode 26 Community Discussion: Debacles

MER Episode 26 Community Discussion: Debacles


I know it’s taken us a little bit longer than we had originally intended to get this out to everyone, but given the subject matter, we wanted to make sure we were approaching the topic with as much knowledge as possible. Of course, I’m talking about the EA Louse debacle that popped up a couple of weeks ago. Well, that’s sort of what I’m talking about.

Anyone who has been following the community goings-on as of late will know that most of what was said in the rant in regards to TOR is pure conjecture with absolutely no basis in fact. What sparked my attention, and also the attention of TOROcast’s Fodigg in his most recent “Don’t Be Surprised If…” column, is the inability for fans to defend our MMO of choice against the naysayers that came creeping out of the dark depths of the internet. Now is a very popular time to predict that The Old Republic is going to be a massive failure because of the lack of firm announcements regarding core game mechanics beyond the Fourth Pillar. The “Bioware, I’m rooting for you, but you’re shooting yourself in the foot” thread has about 2000 replies and over 45,000 views. This is obviously a hot button issue.

Our question to you this week is a bit more general than it has been previously, but I feel that this topic warrants more of a 30,000 foot discussion rather than nit-picking certain issues. We want to know where you stand on the amount of information released beyond story and lore. A lot of people would love to see more about combat systems or crafting, but we’re curious to know why you’ve developed that viewpoint. Would knowing how PVP is going to work now affect your choice to play the game at launch 6 months from now? Or are you simply frustrated that you can’t come up with an answer for “Why should I play The Old Republic?” from friends and guildmates? Of course, any viewpoints in between are also extremely welcome.

As always, we would LOVE for you to join us on the forums, but you can also send an email or an MP3 reply to Thanks to everyone who’s continued to give us Twitter and Website plugs in our absence, and I can assure you we’re both incredibly excited to record the new show! Keep an eye out for it soon, we’ll be sure to keep you updated.

Mos Eisley Radio

MER Episode 25: Scrappers and Sawbones

MER Episode 25 - Scrappers and Sawbones

It’s been a great month of post-conference updates from Bioware, and we were incredibly excited to sit down and get to the heart of the Smuggler overhaul and trailer, the Light Side developer dispatch, a deeper look into the Advanced Class system, and the addition of Corellia as the fifteenth playable planet. We also had another great response from the community on the discussion topic of racial abilities. Thanks to everyone who sent us your thoughts, especially since the stance most everyone took was very unexpected. If you haven’t yet seen it, Zach posted an update about what to expect for the next month of MER, and we also touch on it at the end of the episode. We’re very excited to take some time and implement some of the new ideas we’ve had rolling around for some time now.

We want to offer a big thanks to MrGutts and John Spicer for taking the time to leave us reviews on iTunes.

Music for this show was provided by General Fuzz. Check out more of his work at

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Discuss this episode on the FORUMS

News from the Galactic Republic
9/10 – Corellia announced as 15th playable planet
– Corellia at
– Corellia at Wookiepedia

9/17 – Designing the Light Side developer dispatch
– Dispatch at
– Darth Hater’s Dissection
– “A lot of the effects … look as if they’re coming from the character, instead of making magic between their hands.” – Bryan Erck, Lead Visual Effects Artist
– “If you want to get the complete Jedi experience from TOR … you need to go through both classes and experience different pieces of the puzzle. If you’ve been playing classes on the same side and go through and play them again, you may make some different decisions.” – Jo Berry, Writer

9/24 – Smuggler Holonet update and trailer
– Update at
– Darth Hater’s Dissection of the trailer

10/1 – Designing the Advanced Class System dev blog
Dev Blog at
-Written by Georg Zoeller, Principal Lead Systems Designer

Community Discussion
Racial abilities
-Majority of folks were extremely weary of racials. Either felt that they imbalanced the game or were completely useless.

I remember in WoW that the troll and tauren were the ‘best’ for warriors because of their racial abilities. I hated that. If they give racial abilities, it better not sway towards which is race/species is better for class ‘x’. – Acaulescent (from The Imperial Guard)

Rodians and Mon Calamari were given bonuses to crafting and penalties to toughness or something along that line. Zabrak had combat and endurance … While there still were a lot of humans, it was more typical to see Zabrak Teras Kasi masters and Rodian Weaponsmiths. Now playing as a human Weaponsmith, I never had the success as my non-human competition. I constantly had to lower prices because my merchandise just wasn’t as good, and never could be because I was human. – Ben Nighthawk
(Adaram brought up a possible situation almost just like this, but Ben’s point about the inability for Humans to be viable top-end crafters seems to go against Bioware’s previous decisions)

Blackferne has a GREAT breakdown from a theorycrafting standpoint as to why racials are a bad idea. “So overall I’m against racials because I’d prefer racial diversity based on player preference, not because of theorycraft.”

-Some interesting ideas…
Perhaps there can be racials that are attached to your companions. Assuming players generally have access to several races as companions, this would be a way of implementing the concept without inspiring a player to choose a race based on racial alone. – Adaram
(Mixtrate also brought this up, specifically in regards to KOTORII companions. For example, Visas Marr, the Miraluka, had “Force Sight”, and eventually passed that ability on to you. Also, the Wookie Hanharr had a “Rage” ability that would make him more powerful every time he killed an enemy.)

Kalak had a great way to evolve the Biographies system based off what was done with Neverwinter Nights 2
-After you choose your race and class, pick a ‘package’ of stat bonuses that increase a stat in one area, and detract from another
-Related to what your character’s early days/childhood was like.
-If your character was Rowdy as a child, he might have increased Strength and Constitution, but a negative of the same value to Intelligence and Wisdom.
-Depending on how crafting and professions are done, you could pick a second package that would give you a bonus to a specific profession because, as a child or in your early years, you showed skill in that field

AxeFaktor had a great point that racials could be implemented in different ways for each specific class.
“For example let’s say as a trooper you can play as a human, a zabrak, a mon calamari, or a trandoshan. As a Zabrak you get better ranged damage. As a mon cal you get bonuses to crafting/upgrading weapons, armor, grenades, etc, like you get an additional upgrade slot to every weapon/armor or something. As a trando you get strictly better damage absorbtion/resistance abilities (due to your natural scaly armor) making you a much more effective tank. As a human, you get more skills/abilities to start, and more frequent opportunities to rank them up.”

Mos Eisley Radio

MER Episode 25 Community Discussion: Species Racials

MER Episode 25 Community Discussion: Species Racials


Before we actually get to the question for episode 25, I want to let you all know that we’re hard at work on the new show, as well as bringing some new segments to MER to keep things lively after the con season. And keep in mind there’s a suggestion thread stickied on the forums, and we would love to hear ideas from everyone on how we can continue to improve the show to be exactly what the community is looking for.

Now, the past couple of weeks have given us some fantastic updates: Corellia has been announced as the 15th playable planet, looks at the Jedi classes with the “Designing the Light Side” developer video, and especially the EPIC Smuggler video posted by We recommend every check these out, as well as the detailed break-downs from Darth Hater and others, before the next show. We’re incredibly excited to discuss what these will mean for the TOR community. However, for this week’s community discussion topic, we want to tackle a subject that we have been sitting on for a while now: Racial benefits, also known as Racials.

Bioware has previously approached this topic from, no surprise, a story-based standpoint in the form of player backgrounds. In Mass Effect, you could have been the sole survivor of a battle or a ruthless soldier, and overall these had little impact on your game. In Dragon Age, your origin story played a much stronger role in your progression as a Warden. However, rarely has Bioware ever incorporated these backgrounds into specific in-game abilities. There are a number of MMOs who have used racials as a way to differentiate between the races or species beyond cosmetics. For example, in LOTRO, each race has an ability to quickly to return to their race’s home city. In WoW, humans have a special ability to escape all movement impairment effects. So our question to you is, how should The Old Republic implement racials? Would you like Bioware to build upon the biography model as a way to incorporate special abilities, or should they include the systems already in place in other MMOs?

We want you guys to be as detailed as you want on this one: everything from general ideas to which racial abilities a Chiss should have and why. As always, we want you to send us your thoughts either through the forums, email, or in the form of an mp3. When it comes time to record the episode, we will pull some of your comments and use them as a basis for discussion on the show. Like I said, get detailed guys. This is also a great time to check out the forums if you haven’t already…there are some seriously great discussions going on over there, and I would invite everyone to check them out.