
Episode 17: Launch

Launch. I mean, do I really have to say anything else? It’s LAUNCH! We’ve only waited for this for four years. Well, some of us have. But nearly any time over one month is a lot in this universe.

Launch, baby. Launch.

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Welcome To The MER Media Network!

Welcome To Mos Eisley Radio: A SWTOR Media Network and Fan Community!

For over two years, Mos Eisley Radio has been bringing its own brand of high quality discussion to the Star Wars: The Old Republic community. An overwhelming sense of gratitude goes out to the community members that have made MER one of the top podcasts on iTunes, as well as having given fans of BioWare’s game a safe place to call home and meet so many new friends with whom to enjoy the adventure.

Out of this community, came many more independent web projects which are of a high caliber in their own right. One of these projects was Alan Shot First, formerly known as 90 Seconds With Alan, brought to you by the dedicated, and already hard-working, forum moderating Alan Nauman. Alan’s vid-casts have themselves become a staple in the weekly diet of the SWTOR fan while the countdown clock continues towards December 20th. Alan regularly brings to the community his own take on the big news of the week and always encourages input from the forum-goers.

While MER has tried to breakdown the upcoming game from multiple angles and for various play styles, there is another podcast which knows that there is another voice that often goes unheard: the casual one. Sunny’s Diner has, in its short tenure, provided a “podcast for the rest of us,” which not only gives voice to the busy gamer of today’s world, but brings a level of cool-headedness to often hot-headed debates. Every week, hosts Sunny Ravencourt and Radicool serve up a four-course helping of SWTOR goodness that leaves you satisfied, but always craving more.

Today, Mos Eisley Radio is proud to announce that both Alan Shot First and Sunny’s Diner will be joining forces with MER founder Zach Brown and co-producers Evan Lewis and Leo Andrie to create the MER Media Network and make this every SWTOR fan’s favorite stop for news, entertainment, and camaraderie. If there had been any worries that the game we have all been waiting for might keep productions like Alan Shot First, Sunny’s Diner, and Mos Eisley Radio from appearing as frequently as they do, rest assured, you haven’t seen anything yet. Stay tuned to for the latest news and updates on all of your favorite shows. There is more new and unique content yet to be revealed!

Thank you again to all the fans of Star Wars: The Old Republic and of the podcasts that you make possible.

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MER Episode 58: Full Disclosure

Zach and Evan return to form joined this week by not one, but two special guests! Sunny and Radicool from Sunny’s Diner join the fray for this landmark episode where the crew can finally break their silence on beta impressions. With the NDA having dropped, they mull over their initial reactions, gush, nitpick, and also go over some aspects of the Legacy system. Then they get carried away talking about every nerdy thing possible, yet still find time to answer a LOT of your MERQ’s.

Get nerdy with the rest of the team at this episode’s forum thread. Oh, yeah, it’s right here.

Music for this show was provided by General Fuzz.

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Discussion Topics
– The NDA Is No More! Well… Mostly
– Legacy System Hints
– MER and Sunny’s Talk Beta
– Your MERQ’s