Listen Mos Eisley Radio

MER Episode 57: Fansite Summit 2

Fearless leader Zach returns after a long, hard weekend at the BioWare Austin offices. Guild Master Alan also joins the fray to share with Evan all the happenings at the second SWTOR Fansite Summit. Although this event was not meant to be so much about new game material, they sure came back with a lot of it! New flashpoints, new PvP, new hands-on with classes, and more. Plus, they touched the Collector’s Edition box! That big one in the picture!

Share the love over at this episode’s forum thread, found right about… here.

Music for this show was provided by General Fuzz.

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Discussion Topics
– Fansite Summit 2 Recap
– New Flashpoints and PvP
– Collector’s Edition Up Close
– Your MERQ’s

Mos Eisley Radio

MER Episode 37: The Summit

MER Episode 37: The Summit

Recently Bioware invited several fansites to participate in day dedicated to playing SWTOR. If you have been hearing about #SWTOUR…..well….this was that event. During this time we were able to get several of the fansites together to record an episode of MER. Also because we lacked the audio equipment needed to record this podcast the audio levels are a little weird at times. We apologize in advance. We still think you will love it. Join in on the discussion in our forums.

Joining us in this episode is the following guests.
Kathy and Carla from Corellian Run Radio
Dover and Sado from Darth Hater
Vall and Lord Hammer from TOR Syndicate
Tom and Tim of Tor-Talk
Musco of Torocast
Stephen of FUREUR

Music for this show was provided by General Fuzz.

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Discussion Topics
– Bounty Hunter and Agent story and mechanics
-The Black Talon Flashpoint
– Companion Characters