Mos Eisley Radio

MER Episode 50: Over The Dune

MER Episode 50: Over The Dune

Another PAX has come and gone, but we are still here! MER dings at 50 with Josh “Mr. Crayon Eater” returning to the show to share, along with Zach, some thoughts, impressions, and contagion fears after the con. Evan asks them about TOR news, some Warzone and Operation questions, and then we hear about EVERYTHING else they got to play, including more League of Legends and some cool new contenders like Firefall.

Feel free to discuss this podcast on our forums as well.

Music for this show was provided by General Fuzz.

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Discussion Topics
– Penny Arcade Expo
– Huttball Live
– Return to Alderaan Warzone
– Bioware Interviews
– Non-TOR Games and News