The Show
The Ossus Academy is the newest podcast from the Mos Eisley Radio studios. MER regulars Evan Lewis and Leo Andrie bring their Star Wars knowledge to the forefront and want to share it with the world. Many video game podcasts know about SWTOR, but may not be up on their Star Wars, whereas shows about the galaxy far, far away may speak fluent Huttese, but their gaming know-how isn’t up to snuff. The professors of the Ossus Academy bridge that gap and seek to enhance your gameplay experience in The Old Republic.
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Evan Lewis
With his earliest childhood memory being when he went to see Return of the Jedi in the theater at one-and-a-half years old, there has not been a time in Evan’s life that Star Wars was not a part of. Although not that great at X-Wing & Tie Fighter for PC, Evan has conquered both Knights of the Old Republic games nearly a half-dozen times each. Great thanks goes to his wife for allowing him to fill up every bookshelf in the house with Star Wars books and stacking boxes of comics in the closet. Evan has a bachelor’s degree in Classical Studies from Indiana University. And you know you’ve seen too much Star Wars when you compare the Prequel Trilogy to ancient Greek tragedy to explain why it should be appreciated more.
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Leo Andrie
His earliest memory of Star Wars is of having sword fights with his “lifesaver”. Of course, Leo eventually learned that they’re called “lightsabers” and that pieces of Matchbox car race track make terrible swords. Since that time Star Wars has always been a part of his life and even had the Imperial March played at his wedding. He’s played damned near every Star Wars video game and read almost all the non-Clone Wars Era books and comic books. Leo is now excited to be able to share his passion for all things Star Wars (well, except The Clone Wars) with the rest of the world.
Follow Leo on Twitter!