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Razer Give-Away Contest


Mos Eisley Radio Razer Give-Away

To help get ready for the imminent launch of Star Wars: The Old Republic, Razer and BioWare are giving four lucky people some brand new Razer PC peripherals. While these are not the ultra-cool SWTOR-branded products, Razer always delivers high-quality mice and keyboards to take your game to the next level. MER has four exciting gifts to send out to those listeners who follow us around the ‘net this week and here’s how to find them:

Razer Goliathus Extended Mousepad: Follow @moseisleyradio on Twitter and tweet out the official contest announcement from the website, including url and hash-tag “#merRazer.” The winner will be randomly selected from all valid entries.

What To Tweet
Hey, @moseisleyradio is giving out a bunch of razer gear to kick off #swtor. For info on how to win visit: #merRazer

Razer Mouse Bungee: ‘Like’ Mos Eisley Radio on Facebook, drop us a Comment on the official contest post, and we’ll randomly select the winner. No, overly complimenting will not increase your odds.

Razer Orca Headset:

Razer Naga
After launching this contest we were informed that we would not be receiving an Orca headset to give out. The good news is Razer is giving a Naga to give you. The contest for the mouse is the exact same contest for the headset. Anyone who emailed us the correct answer for the headset will automatically be placed in the drawing for the mouse. We apologize to anyone who really wanted a headset.

Watch (or re-watch!) Open Bounty Episode 10: Flashpoints and send an email to [email protected] with the correct answer to the following question:

What was on Zach’s shirt in Open Bounty E10: Flashpoints?

Be sure to include “Razer Contest” in the subject line. A random selection will be made from amongst all entries which have the correct answer. Episodes of Open Bounty can be found at the Mos Eisley Radio homepage (, Vimeo, and YouTube.

Razer Anansi Keyboard: Jump over to the official Mos Eisley Radio Community Forums, click over to the new and improved Episodes & Posts section, find Mos Eisley Radio, enter the thread titled “Razer Give-Away” and leave us a reply telling us why you need a new keyboard! Maybe your cat spilled coffee on it (true story), or you threw it against the wall playing Witcher 2. Just leave a reply, and, once again, we’ll randomly select a winner from eligible entries.

Just take note, we’ll announce the winners on the following week’s podcast (to be recorded 12/19, released 12/20), so you can enter for all of them, but if you happen to win once, you’ll be ineligible for another. If you hear your name announced during the episode, email us pronto! That way we’ll make sure to get your new gear out to you in time to enjoy over the Holidays.

20 replies on “Razer Give-Away Contest”

Nice! Thanks BW and MER not only for this contest but for all of the insight to what will likely be a huge time vacuum for… ever? 🙂

The way the twitter contest is gonna work is you can copy the example on this site, or make one of your own including the url link and #-tag “merRazer,” and tweet it. That’s it! We’ll just randomly choose a winner from those tweets. And there are already a lot of them… gonna be VERY random.

The contest is through us, but the prizes are through Razer/BioWare. No shipping problems! At least, none that we’ve been informed of. As far as we know, all regions are open.

We record Monday nights and release on Tuesdays. So on the eve of the official launch of SWTOR (Monday, the 19th) we’ll record our show, which will release the following day (Tuesday, the 20th). You can stream it through the player on the website or subscribe through iTunes or Zune Marketplace. Subscribing seems to be the fastest and easiest way, at least when I’m trying to download it to my iPhone.

I guess i can be rough to my keyboards, my last one had almost no letters on it because all the paint faded away, and the spacebar wouldnt move.. =(

Lzr Lzr o so bright would like to see those things at night. Please bring them through my hole so bright