Mos Eisley Radio

MER Episode 34: DarthToroAskACorellianSyndicast!

MER Episode 34: DarthToroAskACorellianSyndicast!

In this extremely special episode of Mos Eisley Radio, we manage to wrangle as many fansites as possible into our hotel room to discuss the goings on at this year’s PAX East in Boston. Joined by Darth Hater, TOROCast, AskAJedi, Corellian Run Radio, and TOR Syndicate, we share impressions of the weekend … everything from the booth layout, to Taral V, to antics at the fansite meet and greet! We of course want to offer a huge thanks for everyone making time in their already busy schedules to join us. As always, we want to hear your thoughts by joining the discussion of this episode on the FORUMS!

Music for this show was provided by General Fuzz and Cornbeast.

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Fansites Present:
– Pete and Dover from Darth Hater
– Samm and Musco from TOROCast
– Bill (Lethality) from AskAJedi
– Kathy and Roxanne from Corellian Run Radio
– LordHammer and Vall from TOR Syndicate