Listen Mos Eisley Radio

MER Episode 97: Back From Hibernation

After months in carbonite, Evan and Leo thaw out just in time to bring you their thoughts on SWTOR’s upcoming PvP Space Combat, Wave 3 of the X-Wing minis, new decks for the LCG, and even touch on the Age of Rebellion RPG. You’ll find all that and more in this long-overdue return to your mp3 player!

You can still find like-minded folks to share adventures with at our forums (even if there’s usually only about four people there these days)!

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Discussion Topics
– SWTOR: Finally! Space Combat PvP!
– X-Wing: Wave 3 Reviewed!
– SWLCG: Hoth Wraps Up, The Force Takes Over
– SWRPG: Rebellion, Empire, Unknown, The Rim, Hired Gun, etc.

Music on this show has been provided to us by General Fuzz