Listen Mos Eisley Radio

MER Episode 85: Mass Affections

We certainly hope you’re in the mood for a long nearly all-SWTOR episode, ’cause that’s what this 2-hour monster turned out to be! Leo and Evan welcome back JD for more of JD’s Crafting Corner and he brings us the nuts n’ bolts on how companion affection aids your crafting. Even with all the crafting talk, they still find time for news, including updates on X-Wing and Edge of the Empire errata.

JD’s Crafting Links:

dulfy’s guides: by far the best resource
esseles affection farming guide
buyer’s guide to the GTN

Let JD, Leo, and Evan know what you REALLY think over at the MER forums!

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Discussion Topics
– The SWTOR Community Cantina Tour
– We Lose Another Dev
– Fantasy Flight Updates
– More Fun With JD’s Crafting Corner

Music on this show has been provided to us by General Fuzz