Listen Mos Eisley Radio

MER Episode 84: Everyone in the Dice Pool

The delay on getting this episode out really couldn’t be helped, but it is ironic to note that some obligations got in the way because Obligation is one of the most unique features of the new Fantasy Flight RPG Star Wars: Edge of the Empire. Leo and Evan take you on a walk-through of the beta book to help you get ready for when you’re able to get your hands on either it or the Beginner Game coming later this year. They have plenty of SWTOR talk for you, as always, and they also get excited reviewing the expansions for the X-Wing Miniatures Game.

Feel free to come discuss SWTOR, Edge of the Empire, X-Wing or anything else you might have on your mind over at the MER forums!

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Discussion Topics
– The Doctors Retire
– Further SWTOR Server Consolidation
– X-Wing Box and Expansions Now Available!
– More On What to Expect with Patch 1.4
– Edge of the Empire Beta Book Walk-Through

Music on this show has been provided to us by General Fuzz