Mos Eisley Radio

MER Episode 48: A Lesson In Roleplaying

MER Episode 48: A Lesson In Roleplaying

MER is back in action this week and once again we are joined by two special guests from over at Torsyndicate, Lord Hammer and Baraslan. We get a lesson in what it means to RP, speculate on upcoming conventions and talk about what we would like to see in the game (that hasn’t been revealed). As always you can head over to our forums to discuss this podcast in more detail.

Music for this show was provided by General Fuzz.

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Discussion Topics
– Guild Beta Invites
– PAX Prime Speculation
– State of Tor

3 replies on “MER Episode 48: A Lesson In Roleplaying”

In regard to the guild beta, I hope people realize that the potential exists that not all will be allowed to join. My 2 cents is simple. The leaders that established it should be first. No rift there. 🙂 I really hope you all get selected.

Great show! Loved the Star Wars quotes 🙂

I would like to see skill trees and races before launch.
It might be cool to have something like Bioware’s Social site for Dragon Age that shows off characters and achievements. That might be cool for SWTOR.
