Open Bounty

Open Bounty 007: SWTOUR

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Last month we traveled to Austin, Texas to participate in #SWTOUR at Bioware’s studio. During this time we were able to catch up with Damion Schubert and have a chat with him. In this episode we hit on companion characters, crafting and much more.
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35 replies on “Open Bounty 007: SWTOUR”

Great show!! The music didn’t bother me at all, btw.

It seems they are still hashing out the dynamics of the companion characters in flashpoints and the AI of them as a whole. I am hoping that it works well enough at launch, but it seems that it might either delay the game to work on it and polish it out just a little, or when they do launch the game it will continue to be a WIP while they finish it.

DS is a great dev, I like how honest, mmo smart and low key he is.

Hmmm I don’t like hearing that they are leaning towards against having the option to take companions in flashpoints. I think that’s a key innovation that a lot of people will love to try even if it’s a tougher road.

Good interview!

Great interview but agree that the music was rough. Not sure if that extra noise in the back was caused by the music or if the music was there to try and cover some of it up…

i was too busy listening to the interview to notice the music, job job guys!

1) Great interview! Damion shared a lot of great info in here.

2) Aren’t internet people awesome? To the folks who would feel compelled to complain…have you ever watched an episode of Open Bounty before? They all have music! And it’s usually chip music. And people like it!

Don’t forget…Zach is still cutting his chops on the audio side of things since Brooks left to work at Bioware. So let’s give MER a bit of slack and just enjoy a great interview!

Agreed Friendly Net User… 😀

Great interview guys, was really looking forward to another open bounty, was well worth the wait….Cheers 😀

Great interview, I really had no problem with the music.

It’s neat to hear that in some cases crafted gear will be the best option.

Great episode. Lots of little info jewels throughout. I dig the 8 bit music. I guess I was so focused on the interview and the details being dispensed that I didn’t see the audio as an issue.

As far as the poster that said they couldn’t hear the interview…I don’t know what to say to that. I heard every single word.

Keep up the good work gentlemen! Your fans appreciate your effort. I could only hope to do such a good job if I were in your shoes.

Think some comments are a bit harsh regarding the music. I did find that it didn’t mix well with the interview, and it is something that should be diminished more or thrown out all together during interview segments.

As for the interview questions, good ones! Damion makes a good point about how companions can be obstacles when it comes to complex boss fights. Bioware really doesn’t want to spend too much time on the companion AI, but also doesn’t want to turn companions into pets that require direct control.

Some of you guys are being a little harsh… But good interview, really bad music overlay. =)

How are we being harsh, its a interview not a concert get rid of the music. I can’t hear them. I like the site and video’s. There is no reason to have the music there.

Hey everyone,

Thanks for all of the input, both constructive & encouraging. While it’s easy to get sidetracked with music that might not be to one’s personal liking/volume level, please keep in mind that we work many times on the fly regarding interviews. In this particular case we were in a situation where an AC unit made it nearly impossible to capture the best vocal volume from our interview subject. Both audio & video conditions will not always be ideal in these types of circumstances, but we push through & roll with it. Our music choices are at our discretion & we enjoy 8-bit music quite a lot. Of course, we like to keep an open mind as well, so feel free to PM us your music picks if 8-bit isn’t your thing. We’d be happy to consider other material on occasion. For those who complain just to complain, sorry mates – this is the interwebz & we can’t please everyone.

We do hope you’ll continue to watch us progress through the challenges of continual production as we all eagerly await the upcoming SWTOR release.


Love the 8bit, but like i said before it sounded like it was covering something that was less than stellar. Cant always control your environment. Love the work you guys do. Please keep it up!

I also think the 8-bit music is cool, takes me back to old-school gaming days (mainly original Nintendo). I wasn’t aware of the problems associated with the environment, does explain a few things.

Those who complain just to complain. What are you talking about. I’m complain because I can’t hear it. Not here who complain just to complain. Thats seam like a rude statement and not true at all. All your other video are great. Now, How is that complain just stating a fact about the music.

I don’t think it was a rude statement. A rude statement is something like the one someone left saying “whoever used the music was an idiot.” That guy was obviously complaining to complain. Why would you assume they are talking about you?

You are true I don’t know if they are talking to me or not. I only wish too hear them talk. Maybe its mine audio, But I can’t hear them too good just that dam music.

thanks for the interview but i have to agree that the music is way to lound and annoying 🙁
I really love all of your videos and podcasts but this one was the first one i could not watch … As my native language is not english it was really difficult to listen to the conversation while the music was playing 🙁

I actually tried to watch this twice… the first time i was drunk and i thought that probably this was the reason why my brain felt like it would explode while listening to the music.
I tried it again this morning and it was the same feeling 🙁 … is there a chance that you will upload it again without the noise (music)?

I think the 8bit music was fine, but I think the music selection was the problem and maybe the volume. 🙂

Great episode as normal. Did not mind the music at all, and I can fully understand not having the best conditions always. You did the best with what you were given and I think it came out really well.

Looks like you had a fantastic time! I wish i had started a fansite haha 😀

The music wasnt that bad in my opinion.

Can’t wait for the next Open Bounty!

Interview was great. Didn’t even think about the music until I read the comments. I was more focused on what was being said.

Please please please get rid of the music. I can’t hear the interview over it, and it’s annoying. Thanks.