Mos Eisley Radio

MER Episode 36: Bracket Buster

MER Episode 36: Bracket Buster

Everyone say hello to Evan Lewis and give him a warm welcome. Evan joins us this week as the new co-host for MER. If you haven’t heard the latest news by now, Brooks was recently hired by BioWare and is unable to continue being a part of the website. You can read all about that here.

Since this is Evan’s first episode, we decided to do something special. As you may recall from last year, we did a SWTOR Class Bracket because Zach loves March Madness. We decided to do the same thing again this year, only step up the bracket size to 16 from 8. The main reason for this is to include the new advanced classes which weren’t announced last year during this time.

We have had a great time breaking down our thoughts on who would match up the best in a fair or “unfair” fight. If you want to discuss this episode, please feel free to head over to our forums and do so.

Music for this show was provided by General Fuzz.

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Discussion Topics
– Evan joining the show
– What to expect in the coming months
– SWTOR Bracket Challenge