Featured Game Session Watch

Game Sessions: Star Wars LCG

Zach and Christian play a game of Star Wars: LCG from Fantasy Flight.

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XP – SimCity Challenge

Zach, Brooks and Christian set out to see who can build the best self-sustaining city in EA’s popular SimCity game. This content was originally made for a different website however future episodes will be made specifically for Mos Eisley Radio.

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MER Episode 99: Podcasters of Adumar

Slowly, but surely, we are nearing the 100th episode of MER! This episode catches up with all the news on SWTOR’s next expansion, lots of X-Wing minis news, some Age of Rebellion discussion, and we take time to remember one of our favorite authors who we lost last month.

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Discussion Topics
– SWTOR: Strongholds and Invasions
– X-Wing: Wave IV! Imperial Aces! Rebel Aces!
– Age of Rebellion: Beginner Game
– Aaron Allston

Music on this show has been provided to us by General Fuzz

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MER Episode 98: Careful, Spoilers

Looks like we did come in at about three months, after all…
Leo and Evan are back yet again after surviving months of recording difficulties involving work, holidays, and the end of times in snow form. Not much game news, but the Disney era of Star Wars continues to evolve as they look at the end of the Dark Horse Comics run and the return to Marvel.

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Discussion Topics
– SWTOR: Galactic Starfighter Reviewed
– X-Wing: World Championship Weekend
– LucasFilm Story Division
– Star Wars Returns to Marvel Comics in 2015

Music on this show has been provided to us by General Fuzz

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MER Episode 97: Back From Hibernation

After months in carbonite, Evan and Leo thaw out just in time to bring you their thoughts on SWTOR’s upcoming PvP Space Combat, Wave 3 of the X-Wing minis, new decks for the LCG, and even touch on the Age of Rebellion RPG. You’ll find all that and more in this long-overdue return to your mp3 player!

You can still find like-minded folks to share adventures with at our forums (even if there’s usually only about four people there these days)!

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Discussion Topics
– SWTOR: Finally! Space Combat PvP!
– X-Wing: Wave 3 Reviewed!
– SWLCG: Hoth Wraps Up, The Force Takes Over
– SWRPG: Rebellion, Empire, Unknown, The Rim, Hired Gun, etc.

Music on this show has been provided to us by General Fuzz